Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Big Things come in Little Packages

Alas, Poor Yorick by Shadow Viking is an example of this phrase. Not the entire scene itself, just the freaking epic Road Block things on the right side of the scene. So his scene reminded me to do something I've really wanted to do for a long time. Type out a list of epic techniques for small things, mainly boxes, Roadblocks, trees, etc.

(Alas, Poor Yorick by Shadow Viking on Flickr)

So let's break down this scene rather quickly. The first thing that caught my eye when I clicked on the flickr page is the Roadblocks. Dude, those freaking things are SWEET. Another thing is the destroyed car behind the roadblock. Now lets move slightly forward, just in front of the roadblock. You see two dark tan boxes. The technique is a very common one, surprisingly, and is absolutely perfect. Amazing. Next, the crosswalks. I know most of my readers are either inexperienced builders or NFOLs (Non-Fan of Lego) so this probably seems slightly odd, but it is seen in basically every good scene that has street. Pretty much common sense, but I feel Shadow Viking did an outstanding job with his.

The Cottage in the middle scene has raised some questions on the flickr page. Shadow Viking (I hate using username, so I'm referring to him as 'Peter', his real name) has received some questions about the odd feeling of the building. This critque came first from BruÉ´o who noted that the center building seems kind off with the cottage, medieval style appearance and the 2070 billboards. Peter responded with this:

"Basically, it is. Rouen is famous for it's medieval Norman half timbered houses, many of which are hundreds of years old, dating back to Anglo-Norman rule in the 11th and 15th centuries.
The adboard and other technological details are meant to reflect the idea of human cyberization."
I found that response very thoughtful and clearly showed that Peter had done his research. If you take a look at the wikipedia page for Rouen you will find the pictures do contain very old, cottage-esque buildings. France is epic guys, as I keep telling you ;)
So Maybe y'all will get another one of these showcases Tomorrow or Thursday. Also expect a full video from Airsofting tomorrow. Should be epic!

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