Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Political Climate- Galaxy Saga

Political Climate- June 1, 2131


                Grey and Human Relations appear friendly on the surface, but are rather rocky when further explored. The United Nations of Nae, the main government of the Greys, has quite friendly relations with the United Nations of Sol, being their prime spacecraft developer and seller. However, outside the solar systems colonized by the Greys themselves, and the Hardotians and Jiktians, the Easterners control the solar systems of Dangvo III and Siu II, as well as Ylemattr.

                The Easterners in recent years have become Xenophobic, resulting in Anti-Human Protests and mass human immigration from Dangvo III, Siu II and Ylemattr. In recent years, 431 Humans have been killed by Xenophobic Terrorist groups, namely EHA, or Easterners for Human Annihilation.

                This has resulted in several terrorist attacks by EHA on Human installations on Earth, Nae, Venus, and Mars. The moon, up until this point, has been left untouched. On Earth, 1,762 Humans have been killed alone.
                Recently, on May 13, 2131, further sanction to the Easterner’s worlds resulted in the Easterners breaking away from the main UNN Government. The Eastern Empire declared war on the UNS Government on May 16, 2131, and the UNN Government’s declaration of war soon followed.

                The United Nations of Sol is headed by President, Parliament (the House of Burgesses and the House of Senate),  and the Committee, a group of 10 judges. In 2130, the Presidential Elections took place, with Xi Hang, the first Asian President of UNS, coming out on top.

                In January 2131, UNS HoB is re-elected, leading to a pro-Grey Parliament, becoming key in the war later in the year. The Senator Tiean Woo Xang is killed in early April, resulting in a total re-election of Senate. This attack has people on their toes, creating a need for another Pro-Grey body. The Senate becomes almost all Pro-grey.

                On May 15, 2131, a spacecraft, Eastern Empire in origin, is flown into the Zimmerman Building (UNS equivalent to the US Capitol), resulting in the killing of Xi Hang, and 95% of the House of Burgesses. The UNS government unanimously votes in Manuel Markus, great grandson of the Co-Founder of the Greys.

                On May 16, shortly after declaration of war by the Senate, the Governors of their Nations immediately promote all current HoB-level politicians to the House of Burgesses, immediately staffing the intern House of Burgesses until elections can take place. 

                The United Nations of Nae is also headed by a President, and a legislative branch of 8 appointed officials. The judicial branch is non-existent, its functions being handed rather to the Committee appointed by the president.

                The UNN’s military is controlled by yet another Committee, appointed by the people. The Joint Chiefs of Military is a seven man team who controls defense budget, overall military operations and declarations of war.

                The UNN’s other key areas are controlled by different committees, including The Joint Committee of Treasury, Commerce and Trade, and Foreign Relations, the latter including the President’s National Security Advisor and Vice President. 

                The United Eastern Empire, formed mostly of the Grey sub-species called Blacks by the Native Greys and Humans, the is ruled in a dictatorship by the Emperor Hashto V and his appointed officials. Hashto V runs “A very tight ship,” in the words on President Manuel Markus, and the UNS has made several analogies to the World War Two-era Soviet Union under Josef Stalin. President Markus has been known to refer to Hashto V as “Stalin” on several occasions, although not in public. Hashto V has killed 30,000 people in his only 4 years as Supreme Dictator of the Eastern Empire. Much of these people killed were not high-ranking deserters, and 60,000 deserters have escaped Hashto’s grasp.

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