Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Warehouse Youtube Channel

The Warehouse Youtube Channel features Videos. Of all types and genres.

If You Go Down to the River Tonight: Part 2

If you go down to the river tonight…
                Cold metal smacked him in the face again, for probably the thousandth time in his 3 days in captivity. He knew his jaw was broken.

                “What do you want?” he said, spitting out blood at the cartel member walking circles around him, as if a predator.

                “What were you doing!” the man shouted back, again, he realized, for probably the one thousandth time.

                “John Vasquez, United States Border Patrol, 09231-17, Sergeant,” he said, spitting blood on the other Hispanic. He was reciting his Name, Rank, Serial Number, and Organization, as required by the Geneva Convention.

                “We don’t play on the Geneva Convention!” the cartel member shouted, slapping the gun in Vasquez’s face.

                “Fine,” shouted Vasquez, who was holding his jaw, “Come close, I’ll tell you.”

                Vasquez noticed the hand restraints were placed in front of him, a rookie mistake. This man would pay for it, too. As the Cartel member leaned in, he grabbed the man’s neck using his cuffs and broke it. He removed the key from the man’s pocket- another rookie mistake- and pulled off the cuffs, then grabbed the man’s pistol and a shotgun from the corner, slipping the pistol into his pocket. He shouldered the shotgun and lifted it to the door. He blew open the lock with ease, surprising the guards on the other side, who were shot quickly. He picked up their AK47s. He dropped the pistol on the metal floor. More guards would be coming soon. He blew open the lock on Charlotte Kelly’s door, and she jumped from her metal seat in surprise as 7.62 rounds slammed into her interrogator’s chest. He tossed her an AK.

                “How’d you manage this?” she wondered aloud, cocking her AK. 
            “Guards were dumb,” he said, tightening his lips. He moved to the door in silence, shooting the guards rushing down the hall to their stricken comrades. Charlotte followed.

                “Nice, Vasco,” she said with a smile, then noticed his swollen cheeks, “What happened?”

                Vasquez noticed the lack of bruises on her cheeks. They had some dignity. He shook his head solemnly.

                They kicked open the makeshift Prison Camp’s doors, running across the road to a white pickup with a machine gun on the top.

                “You drive, I’m on the gun,” he said to her, and she nodded and smiled. She was evidently curious about his cheeks. She flipped open the door to the truck bed.

                “Vasco, there is a map in here!” she shouted. He smiled in excitement, then took it from her as the sped away.

                “20 mikes from the river, just stay on this road,” he said, throwing the map back to her, as he stepped up to the M2 Browning on the pickup as Cartel trucks pulled up behind them.

                The mass of hot metal shuddered with each bullet, and he saw as each truck sped off the road, it’s driver hit. He grimaced at the dirty work, but it had to be done. 

Operation Barbarossa

Operation Barbarossa

   Operation Barbarossa was initiated in the early months of the First Galactic War, an effective strategy of Raids and Strikes inside Eastern Empire Territory. This was the first operational deployment of the F/S-25 Condor, a Joint Strike Fighter created by Lockheed Martin's Skunkworks in 2129. The Condor JSFs were known for streaking in unspotted by Imperial Frigates, and destroying whole fleets of Imperial Space Navy Commands. 

    The second phase would begin as a Sol Space Naval Fleet came in following the attack, inserted divisions of Orbital Drop Shock (or Strike) Marines. These small units would strike at Army and Marine Compounds on hostile planets, torching whole cities when neccesary. These Marines are known for being "Coldblooded and Coldhearted", as oftentimes their operations dictate killing of civilians. 


Sorry for the short post, but Op: B is a very small and compact Operation, unlike Operation Orbital Slam, the next Operation in the FGW. 

Economic Climate- Galaxy Saga

Economic Situation

                The United Nations of Sol, founded in 2087, experienced economic downturn in 2127, the beginning of the four year recession ending in 2131, when war production again, creating jobs for the new government, mainly in the shipbuilding and armament industries.

                With 90% of able men in the war, the women took over historically male jobs, including some as factory executives and machinery operators. These women were the first in UNS history to take over 97% of male jobs, earning the nickname “The Steelers” in prime UNS cities such as the once steel giant Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.

                With War Production increasing, the United Nations of Sol left Paris in early 2132 to start a new capital in New Mombasa, Kenya. The country, which had experienced large economic downturn in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, was a booming Province of UNS, producing 12% of UNS War Materials in 2131 alone.

                Following the crash into the Zimmerman Building in Paris, France, and the mass recruitment of military personnel, Kenya and many more African Countries gained their much needed credit, when they began producing large amounts of War Material for the government, eventually in 2138 becoming one of the sole providers of equipment to the Sol Space Navy, others including China and the United States.

                           The United Nations of Nae experienced a sharp real estate downturn and eventual collapse in June 2130, soon followed by downturns in other markets. This was largely due to the secession of the Easterners. They didn’t pull out of said downturn until March 2132, following an attack on the UNN Province of Hardota by the Eastern Empire and their Bug allies.

                           As a result of this attack, 98% of able bodied Greys joined the military, leaving on the old to work in the factories. Thanks to large factory upgrades in the past two decades, Grey factories were fully automated.
                           UNN kept their capital in Feartown, Brittania. However, following the shooting down of a spacecraft bound for the Grey Building in downtown Feartown, tighter security, including anti-tank and UAVs, went online around the building.

                           Following the secession from the United Nations of Nae, the UEE experienced massive financial gain as a whole. By 2133, most to all civilians owned mansions, and the UEE had a diminishing lower class. Cities such as Dangvo III on the planet Ree was nearly all large residential complexes, with again, little lower class.

                           They brought up their capitol in Upice, again located in Ree. The government pumped thousands of jobs into the area, allowing Ree to have little to no lower and middle classes. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Political Climate- Galaxy Saga

Political Climate- June 1, 2131


                Grey and Human Relations appear friendly on the surface, but are rather rocky when further explored. The United Nations of Nae, the main government of the Greys, has quite friendly relations with the United Nations of Sol, being their prime spacecraft developer and seller. However, outside the solar systems colonized by the Greys themselves, and the Hardotians and Jiktians, the Easterners control the solar systems of Dangvo III and Siu II, as well as Ylemattr.

                The Easterners in recent years have become Xenophobic, resulting in Anti-Human Protests and mass human immigration from Dangvo III, Siu II and Ylemattr. In recent years, 431 Humans have been killed by Xenophobic Terrorist groups, namely EHA, or Easterners for Human Annihilation.

                This has resulted in several terrorist attacks by EHA on Human installations on Earth, Nae, Venus, and Mars. The moon, up until this point, has been left untouched. On Earth, 1,762 Humans have been killed alone.
                Recently, on May 13, 2131, further sanction to the Easterner’s worlds resulted in the Easterners breaking away from the main UNN Government. The Eastern Empire declared war on the UNS Government on May 16, 2131, and the UNN Government’s declaration of war soon followed.

                The United Nations of Sol is headed by President, Parliament (the House of Burgesses and the House of Senate),  and the Committee, a group of 10 judges. In 2130, the Presidential Elections took place, with Xi Hang, the first Asian President of UNS, coming out on top.

                In January 2131, UNS HoB is re-elected, leading to a pro-Grey Parliament, becoming key in the war later in the year. The Senator Tiean Woo Xang is killed in early April, resulting in a total re-election of Senate. This attack has people on their toes, creating a need for another Pro-Grey body. The Senate becomes almost all Pro-grey.

                On May 15, 2131, a spacecraft, Eastern Empire in origin, is flown into the Zimmerman Building (UNS equivalent to the US Capitol), resulting in the killing of Xi Hang, and 95% of the House of Burgesses. The UNS government unanimously votes in Manuel Markus, great grandson of the Co-Founder of the Greys.

                On May 16, shortly after declaration of war by the Senate, the Governors of their Nations immediately promote all current HoB-level politicians to the House of Burgesses, immediately staffing the intern House of Burgesses until elections can take place. 

                The United Nations of Nae is also headed by a President, and a legislative branch of 8 appointed officials. The judicial branch is non-existent, its functions being handed rather to the Committee appointed by the president.

                The UNN’s military is controlled by yet another Committee, appointed by the people. The Joint Chiefs of Military is a seven man team who controls defense budget, overall military operations and declarations of war.

                The UNN’s other key areas are controlled by different committees, including The Joint Committee of Treasury, Commerce and Trade, and Foreign Relations, the latter including the President’s National Security Advisor and Vice President. 

                The United Eastern Empire, formed mostly of the Grey sub-species called Blacks by the Native Greys and Humans, the is ruled in a dictatorship by the Emperor Hashto V and his appointed officials. Hashto V runs “A very tight ship,” in the words on President Manuel Markus, and the UNS has made several analogies to the World War Two-era Soviet Union under Josef Stalin. President Markus has been known to refer to Hashto V as “Stalin” on several occasions, although not in public. Hashto V has killed 30,000 people in his only 4 years as Supreme Dictator of the Eastern Empire. Much of these people killed were not high-ranking deserters, and 60,000 deserters have escaped Hashto’s grasp.

If You Go Down to the River Tonight: Part One

If you go down to the river tonight

                He gripped the steering wheel tight, leaning towards the windshield of his Black Sedan to check the road. His gun laid in the space behind his seat, and he carefully scanned the road. He knew that if they were smart, they wouldn’t let themselves be seen, but there was always the chance.

                His partner, sitting in the passenger seat, blew the black hair from her face and looked down the road through her night vision goggles. Her rifle sat on her lap, with her Sniper Rifle sitting between her knees.  They turned the corner and drove the black sedan into a clearing. They both picked up their weapons and slammed the doors shut- albeit trying to keep quiet- and proceeded to the river, which could be seen, and then just on the other side, Mexico.

                “Johnnie,” she asked through the silence, barely snapping any leaves with her perfect, small steps, “What is the ROE for tonight?”

                “Char, don’t sleep through it next time,” he began, chuckling slightly, “but, apparently we can give anything a bullet that has a gun and radio.”

                She nodded. A minute later, they appeared at the river, watching the waves lapping against the banks. Her rifle was propped up on a two-pronged bipod, and her dark green eyes were fitted to the scope.

                “Charlotte?” he asked to the woman, who looked up briefly from the scope and smiled, “You see that guy? Your nine.”

                “I see him, Vasco,” who looked through her sniper’s scope and fired. A spray of dark red- almost the color of red wine- exploded from his neck, making two others near him jump, and then spray AK47 bullets into the murky waters of the river below. The woman stayed calm and fired two shots in quick succession, landing a kill on both men. Vasquez picked up his radio and switched the frequency quickly.

                “Uniform Sierra Bravo Papa Six, this is Alpha Two-One Actual, I repeat, Alpha Two-One Actual. We have been engaged by Tangos in sector Juliet Bravo Nine-Seven, I repeat, Juliet Bravo Nine-Seven. Requesting non-uniformed reinforcements, over?” he said in a calm drone, although his face was pale as heard splashing in the water, obviously members of the Drug Cartel racing across.

                “Permission Denied, Alpha Two-One, can’t risk anyone else. Out.”

                John Vasquez shook his head at the sniper, who grimaced but returned fire at the members of the Drug Cartel. Vasquez lifted his rifle and fired into who looked to be the commander, and the man’s knees buckled as the bullets impacted his body, throwing him back into the waves. A crunch of gravel made him turn, but it was too late. Everything went black.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Current Projects

Since I've got nothing better to do, I thought I'd throw you guys my current ideas, which are chilling in the shadows at the moment.

If You Go Down to the River Today... - This story (IGDRT) is based around Sergeant John "Vasco" Vasquez and Charlotte Lankly, two United States Border Patrol Agents tasked with Border Security- renamed from Border Watch, their previous position, in 2013- who are on constant look out for drug smugglers. The rest is for you to find out.

Battle of Leningrad: 1943- This timeline is an Alternate-History endeavor of mine, based around a narrative and actual timeline. The narrative portion will be told from the eyes of Red Army Corporal Mikail Swarchnakov and Captain Jed Blachkinav, from an Infantry Regiment and T34 Armor Regiment respectively.

Three Red Lights, Three Missing Men- This is another alternate history timeline based around Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and the rest of the Apollo Moon Landing Team following their landing and abduction by The 'Greys' a mysterious alien race from the planet Nae.

Three Red Lights will be posted very soon, or at least parts of it, mainly the Political Scenario and Economic Situation.



I'm Brian and most of you know me from either real life or other endeavors. You probably also know I do a lot with various arts. The Warehouse will feature these writings, drawings, and concepts. I may from time to time post family pictures and things I find interesting, y'all will just have to wait and see.

So here we go. Recently, Evan "Legosim" Melick introduced me to the game Victoria Revolutions, a basically, in his words 'A game where you can micromanage your own country, which is something I like to do, being a nerd,'. I have found the game rather fun. However, it is very complicated and has taken me the better part of 2 days, 7 hours a day to figure out. I'm still not very good, I keep getting punished by Austria (Austrians, die,).