Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If You Go Down to the River Tonight: Part One

If you go down to the river tonight

                He gripped the steering wheel tight, leaning towards the windshield of his Black Sedan to check the road. His gun laid in the space behind his seat, and he carefully scanned the road. He knew that if they were smart, they wouldn’t let themselves be seen, but there was always the chance.

                His partner, sitting in the passenger seat, blew the black hair from her face and looked down the road through her night vision goggles. Her rifle sat on her lap, with her Sniper Rifle sitting between her knees.  They turned the corner and drove the black sedan into a clearing. They both picked up their weapons and slammed the doors shut- albeit trying to keep quiet- and proceeded to the river, which could be seen, and then just on the other side, Mexico.

                “Johnnie,” she asked through the silence, barely snapping any leaves with her perfect, small steps, “What is the ROE for tonight?”

                “Char, don’t sleep through it next time,” he began, chuckling slightly, “but, apparently we can give anything a bullet that has a gun and radio.”

                She nodded. A minute later, they appeared at the river, watching the waves lapping against the banks. Her rifle was propped up on a two-pronged bipod, and her dark green eyes were fitted to the scope.

                “Charlotte?” he asked to the woman, who looked up briefly from the scope and smiled, “You see that guy? Your nine.”

                “I see him, Vasco,” who looked through her sniper’s scope and fired. A spray of dark red- almost the color of red wine- exploded from his neck, making two others near him jump, and then spray AK47 bullets into the murky waters of the river below. The woman stayed calm and fired two shots in quick succession, landing a kill on both men. Vasquez picked up his radio and switched the frequency quickly.

                “Uniform Sierra Bravo Papa Six, this is Alpha Two-One Actual, I repeat, Alpha Two-One Actual. We have been engaged by Tangos in sector Juliet Bravo Nine-Seven, I repeat, Juliet Bravo Nine-Seven. Requesting non-uniformed reinforcements, over?” he said in a calm drone, although his face was pale as heard splashing in the water, obviously members of the Drug Cartel racing across.

                “Permission Denied, Alpha Two-One, can’t risk anyone else. Out.”

                John Vasquez shook his head at the sniper, who grimaced but returned fire at the members of the Drug Cartel. Vasquez lifted his rifle and fired into who looked to be the commander, and the man’s knees buckled as the bullets impacted his body, throwing him back into the waves. A crunch of gravel made him turn, but it was too late. Everything went black.

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